Bruce Lee once said that, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” Stella Maris School and Tes Bakat Indonesia believes in the important of laying a good character for their students. We want to make sure that these students possess the traits that are needed for them to function well in the society and lay the foundation for their future success, for whatever career paths they will choose for themselves. So, on 7-8 December 2016, the school had invited Tes Bakat Indonesia to give a two-days-personality-development workshop. The goal was to be able to bring awareness and to equip the 7 to 12 graders with some practical tips to develop the ‘successful’ attitudes and also some fun practice to boost their self-confidence. Mr Jimmy ‘JIMBO’ Hariyanto, master trainer from Tes Bakat Indonesia, kicked off the session by sharing his own personal experience. Most people including him were once an ignorant teenager, who took the future lightly. But that wasn’t until he realized how much he had missed all the opportunities to be great and until someone put faith on him and made him believe on himself. This thought helped him to break down 6 attitudes that all teenagers need to develop starting that day. During the session that was called ‘The Power of Attitude’ JIMBO shared the importance these 6 attitudes that is called ‘C.H.R.I.S.T. = Commitment, Humility, Responsibility, Servanthood, Time-conscious’. These attitudes were the foundation that will helpe them in achieving goals and growing to be a better person for the society. After knowing the importance of these attitudes, on the second day JIMBO taught the students about ‘Presentation Skill 101’ on how to deliver an effective presentation that will be useful at college. JIMBO also gave some creative practices for the students to conquer their fear of public speaking as a first step to be a good presenter. Aside from all the knowledge and practical tips that were given during the workshop, JIMBO encouraged all students to practice all these tips every day to increase their self-esteem and skill in delivering presentation.
For more information on this workshop or other topics from Tes Bakat Indonesia you can give us a call at 0812 8000 9909. We are ready to inspire you!